Sunday, September 19, 2010

womb to world workshop with anna verwaal in los angeles

we had 2 incredible doulas at our son's homebirth.  and they are both involved in this once-in-a-lifetime workshop!  danielle marie gutshall is hosting and organizing anna verwaal's workshop.  this is like anna's seminar that my husband went to 2 years ago (it was specifically for dads that day), and he called at the end saying, "we're having a homebirth!  done deal."

a little info:

Who are the workshops for? 
This profoundly transformational and highly informative course is designed for birth 
professionals, midwives, doulas, childbirth educators, birth related body workers and 
healers, prenatal yoga instructors, couples planning to conceive or currently pregnant 
and anyone seeking to understand, prevent and heal from birth imprints & trauma 
How are the workshop presented? 
Audio-visual Power-Point presentations containing text and photographic 
  documentation of Anna’s clients and their babies experiencing all kind of birth 
  scenarios. (All stories told and photos used with permission) 
Various current DVD’s on birth, breastfeeding and bonding. 
Do I have to attend all three days or can I just take one? 
Each separate workshop is about a different aspect to do with birth and can be taken by 
it self. How ever the workshop series is created to take the participant on a journey, 
from the past, through the present into the future. This will lead to an understanding of 
how all aspects of birth affect the journey. Where we are in our consciousness, 
emotionally and spiritually greatly influences and shapes the physicality and outcome of 
the birth journey whether you are a doula, midwife, or parent-to-be. 
Who presents the workshops? 
Anna Verwaal, RN, CLE, born and educated in the Netherlands is a Maternal-Child 
Health Nurse, Conscious Conception & Birth Consultant, Labor- & Post Partum Doula, 
UCLA Certified Lactation Educator and Birth Photographer. 
Anna lectures internationally and teaches workshops about the cellular memory of the 
birth experience, the physiological & hormonal blueprint for birth & bonding as well as 
the deeply psychological, emotional and spiritual aspects of giving birth. Her experience 
is based on working for more than 25 years in various countries as a nurse and doula 
along side perinatologists, obstetricians as well as (indigenous) midwives attending 
hospital, birth center, home, lotus- and nature-births. Currently Anna lives in Santa Fe 
and is working on a photo book of birth. 

Workshop location and directions 
Bini Birth Loft, 5355 Cartwright Ave. Unit 313, North Hollywood, CA91601 
Workshop Dates & Times 
October 9, 2010 from 9-30 AM until 5.30 PM 

photo from anna's website.

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