Wednesday, February 24, 2010

an honest post about postpartum depression

fortunately, i did not suffer from postpartum depression, although, i did have visions of accidentally careening off of 6th floor balconies in the few months after my son was born (strangely, i have had this same scenario as a re-occurring dream for years now too).   no biggie.  dad, do not alert the authorities....apparently, this sort of thing is somewhat normal for new moms.   it came and went.

i read a beautiful, honest, candid post that lindsey mead wrote about postpartum depression, and i wanted to share.  if you know anyone having a baby, you may want to educate yourself on the signs of ppd.  use this scale to identify postpartum depression.

photo courtesy of

1 comment:

  1. Wow - thank you! I just saw this today and am so honored that you found my words helpful.
    I really appreciate it.

